Planning Board (2003-2011) Agenda - 30 June 2006, 10:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chamber, Town Hall, LERWICK, Shetland Isles at 10:30 on 30 June 2006.

Number Item
(a)Hold circular calling meeting as read. View Papers
(b)Apologies for absence, if any.
(c)Confirm minutes of meetings held on 31 May and 7 June 2006 (previously circulated). View Papers
For Decision 
012006/033/PCO - To erect dwellinghouse and construct septic tank and sea outfall (in outline), Broonies Taing, Sandwick by Mr M J Hopkins.

2006/154/PCD - Re-route existing access track and provide turning area, Broonies Taing, Sandwick by Mr M J Hopkins. View Papers
022006/118/PCD - To erect four dwellinghouses (in outline) (re-application), Nesbister, Whiteness by Mr C Eunson View Papers
032006/129/PCR - To erect six dwellinghouses (three semi detached blocks), Hillside, Phase 3, Gulberwick by JHB Ltd. View Papers