Planning Board (2003-2011) Agenda - 13 August 2008, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chamber, Town Hall at 10:00 on 13 August 2008.

Number Item
(a)Hold circular calling meeting as read. View Papers
(b)Apologies for absence, if any.
(c)Declarations of Interest View Papers
(d)Confirm minutes of meeting held on 28 May 2008 (previously circulated). View Papers
For Decision 
01MARINE DEVELOPMENT: Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2008/040/VS and 2008/041/VS - To modify two existing mussel farms by changing length and number of longlines, and by extending mooring containment areas, The Firth (North) and the Firth (South), Bixter, by SI Seafarms Ltd. View Papers
02PLANNING: 2008/113/PCD - To restore and convert main hall to offices and demolish existing rear extension and erect 8 flats, St Olaf's Hall, Church Road, Lerwick by Westfish Shetland Ltd. View Papers
032008/230/PCD - To erect 4 self-catering units, Hoswick, Sandwick by Susan Groat. View Papers
042008/244/ADV - To replace existing and erect new signage, Tesco Stores Ltd., South Road, Lerwick by Tesco Stores Ltd. View Papers
For Decision 
052008/195/PCO - To erect dwellinghouse, land to East of Runnadale, Ollaberry by G A Nicolson and J Isbister. View Papers
06(Draft) Interim Planning Policy - Towards Sustainable Development. Reducing Carbon Emissions in New Development. View Papers
07Street Naming, Hillside, Gulberwick. View Papers
For Information 
08Local Plan Housing Monitoring. View Papers