Submission History: 2018/335/ECUCON - To vary the consent by increasing the maximum tip height of the turbines from 145 metres (m) to a maximum of 155 m and increasing the maximum rotor diameter of the turbines by 10 m to a maximum of 120 m. The installed capacity of the proposed generating stated would be greater than 50 MW. (Viking Wind Farm). PL-01-19 Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "2018/335/ECUCON - To vary the consent by increasing the maximum tip height of the turbines from 145 metres (m) to a maximum of 155 m and increasing the maximum rotor diameter of the turbines by 10 m to a maximum of 120 m. The installed capacity of the proposed generating stated would be greater than 50 MW. (Viking Wind Farm). PL-01-19".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Shetland Islands Council 20/02/2019 Click here