Submission History: 2018/096/PPF - Provision of a 2.09 km access track and associated works, new junction and temporary construction compound - Unclassified road to Upper Kergord runs approximately 1.5km, from a junction with the B9075, approximately 70m east of B9075 of Weisdale crossing, by Mr Jamie Watt, Viking Energy Wind Farm LLP. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "2018/096/PPF - Provision of a 2.09 km access track and associated works, new junction and temporary construction compound - Unclassified road to Upper Kergord runs approximately 1.5km, from a junction with the B9075, approximately 70m east of B9075 of Weisdale crossing, by Mr Jamie Watt, Viking Energy Wind Farm LLP.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Planning Committee 15/04/2019 Click here