Community empowerment

Participation requests

Part 3 of the Community Empowerment Act on Participation Requests, whch came into force on 1 April 2017, is focussed on extending and improving community participation in improving outcomes for their communities. It is the legislation that enables communities to request to participate in decisions and processes which are aimed at improving outcomes.

The Act sets out the framework for the participation request process. Regulations set out more detailed arrangements for implementing the scheme. Shetland Islands Council has a Participation Requests Policy.

The Scottish Community Development Centre has developed a useful list of Frequently Asked Questions on Participation Requests.

Participation Requests - Reports

Shetland Islands Council is required to report annually on Participation Requests. Reports can be found in the link to the right of this screen.

Shetland Islands Council Performance Reporting contains details of completed community asset transfers and any participation requests for 2019/20 and onwards