Free Period Products Consultation Summary

Consultation Overview

As part of The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021, local authorities are required to consult with anyone in the community who uses sanitary products, who may use them in the future, and those who collect them on behalf of others.  The consultation should ask where people would like those products to be made available, how people would like to obtain them, and the type of products that may be wanted.

Shetland Islands Council carried out a community consultation in May and June 2022. The consultation was open to any member of the public regardless of gender, age or menstruating status. The survey was issued via online platform SmartSurvey and accessed via the Shetland Islands Council website for people to fill in online. A paper copy was also available to anyone who required one. The survey received 395 responses. The key findings are summarised in the following pages, and have helped inform the roll out of our Free Period Products provision.