Free Period Products Consultation Summary

Barriers to accessing products

Question 4 focussed on what might stop people from accessing products.

A graph showing the total number of responses for each answer choice and the percentage of responses for each choice.

373 answers were provided to this question, with 22 skipped.

  • Not knowing where to get them was the most popular answer with 75.87% choosing this option (283 responses in total). 
  • Not being sure how much can be taken at any one time was the second most selected answer with 43.97% (164 responses in total). 
  • Embarrassment was third with 38.34% (143 responses in total).
  • 21.45% chose ‘can’t get out to shops or other buildings’ (80 responses in total). 
  • Not having access to online ordering was selected by 7.77% of respondents (29 responses in total). 
  • 4.56% chose ‘other’ (17 responses in total).

Where ‘other’ was selected, key themes were:

Not feeling any barriers, being able to afford themselves, having to ask for products, choice of products and having to go somewhere to access were the most common additional responses. Not knowing who should access them and the time the venue was open was also mentioned.