Health and Social Care Partnership

IJB legislation

Shetland's Health and Social Care Partnership, the Shetland Integration Joint Board, was formally constituted on 27 June 2015 and the inaugural meeting was held on 20 July 2015.

The IJB governance and constitutional documents provide more detail on its establishment, membership and decision making procedures:

Listed below is easy read versions of the legislative requirements under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014, specifically relating to the functions that must be delegated by a Health Board and Local Authority to an Integration Authority.

The Integration Scheme came into effect on 27 June 2015, the date on which the Parliamentary Order formally established the Integration Joint Board. The Integration Joint Board [the IJB] is a body corporate, established by Order under section 9 of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014. The Parties to the IJB are the Shetland Islands Council [the Council], and NHS Shetland [the Health Board]. The Parties agreed the Integration Scheme for the Shetland Islands Health and Social Care Partnership, which sets out the delegation of functions by the Parties to the Integration Joint Board.  

Freedom of Information

In light of the Integration Joint Board having delegated responsibility for the delivery of a wide range of services within Adult Social Care and Health Services, an FOI request may be more appropriately dealt with through either Shetland Islands Council or NHS Shetland, unless it is a request concerned directly with information held by the Integration Joint Board.  You can find out more what information the IJB holds from its Publication Scheme.

Email FOI enquiries to:

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (usually known as FOISA or FOI) aims to increase openness and accountability in government and across the public sector by making sure that people have the right to access information held by Scottish public authorities. This includes environmental information which is covered by the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (known as the EIRs). FOI and the EIRs therefore apply to all recorded information held by the Shetland Integration Joint Board (with the exception of personal information).  The Integration Joint Board is a Scottish Public Authority for the purposes of FOI legislation.


A complaint may relate to a decision that has been made by the IJB, as well as a service or activity carried out by the NHS Shetland or Shetland Islands Council. Initially, all such complaints will be handled in the same way.

If you have a complaint about the Shetland Integration Joint Board (IJB) please contact the IJB. For more information about how the IJB will process your complaint, please read the IJB Complaints Handling Procedure

A complaint about the IJB may relate to dissatisfaction with:

  • Shetland Integration Joint Board’s policies
  • Shetland Integration Joint Board’s decisions
  • the administrative or decision-making processes followed by Shetland Integration Joint Board in coming to a decision

If you wish to complain about a service provided by Shetland Islands Council, you can find the relevant contact details on:

If you wish to complain about a service provided by NHS Shetland, you can find the relevant contact details on their website: