Planning Committee Agenda - 20 September 2021, 14:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Remote at 14:00 on 20 September 2021.

Number Item
(a)Hold circular calling meeting as read. View Papers
(b)Apologies for absence, if any.
(c)Declarations of interest - Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any Member making a declaration of interest should indicate whether it is a financial or non-financial interest and include some information on the nature of the interest. Advice may be sought from Officers prior to the meeting taking place.  View Papers
(d)Confirm minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2021 View Papers
12020/201/PPF - Creation of a 100m x 80m compacted stone platform and siting of concrete batching plant and associated facilities, to be partially surrounded by soil bunding, Hill of Flamister (approximately 3.2 km north-east of the Sandwater Loch section of the A970 and approximately 1.5 km north-west of the Loch of Skellister (NGR HU 44487 57040)) (Temporary period to expire on completion of construction of Viking Wind Farm). View Papers
22020/203/PPF - Creation of 100m x 80m compacted stone platform and siting of concrete batching plant and associated facilities, to be partially surrounded by soil bunding (approximately 0.8km south-south-east of Scalla Field and 1.8km north-west of the Upper Kergord section of the B9075 View Papers