Zetland Educational Trust

The Zetland Educational Trust comprises of a number of endowments as specified in the Zetland Educational Trust schemes 1961 and 1965, which are vested in Shetland Islands Council as the governing body and statutory successors to the County Council for the County of Zetland.

The Zetland Educational Trust will not generally cover activities where alternative sources of funding are available.

The Zetland Educational Trust will only provide a grant of 75% of total project costs unless under exceptional circumstances. The remainder of project costs to be met by fund-raising activities or in-kind support. The Trust will not give funds retrospectively.

The Trust aims to support a wide a range of beneficiaries with smaller sums (e.g. £200-£2000) of money that will allow projects to happen that wouldn't otherwise be able to happen. The Trust will also consider larger projects where it is thought the overall educational benefits would make a real difference to the enhancement of education in Shetland. The amount of monies available through the ZET will vary year on year depending on interest generated on funds held. Projects that are considered to be innovative and make creative use of resources as well as being new will be viewed favorably. All applications are expected to be of a certain quality and will be judged by the ZET management group on their own merit. The final decision rests with the Head of Schools.

Trust Purpose

The purpose of the Trust is to enhance the educational benefit of people belonging to Shetland. The Trust will fund projects that fall under the following headings:

Educational Excursions

The Trust may provide assistance to meet the costs of organised educational excursions for the benefit of pupils attending school centres in Shetland. Suitable excursions may include visits to places of historical interest, museums, art galleries, zoological gardens, workshops, exhibitions, and any other places and also attendance at lectures, concerts, performances and displays. The pupils and young persons should derive some educational benefit from attending the excursion.

Special Equipment

The Trust may fund improving education by providing or assisting to provide special equipment which is in addition to what the local authority may reasonably be expected to supply.

Promotion of Ability and Skill in Swimming

The Trust may spend money for the promotion and encouragement of swimming among pupils in Shetland by organised instruction, by meeting traveling and other expenses of teams, by paying fees, traveling expenses and personal expenses of instructors and by other methods as appears appropriate.

Promotion of Knowledge of Shetland

The Trust may spend money in promoting a knowledge of Shetland, its character, its skills and its arts among persons being educated in Shetland by for example, assisting to establish and maintain a museum at a suitable centre in Shetland, by assisting to meet the costs of making films designed to develop the knowledge of Shetland and by any other methods as appears appropriate.

Educational Experiments and Research

The Trust may spend money-providing assistance to bodies and persons approved by them to undertake educational experiments and research, including archaeological research which in the opinion of the Trust will be for the educational benefit of persons in Shetland.

Application Process

  • Issue packs February 2024 for planned activities from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025
  • Deadline for receipt of completed applications Sunday 31st March 2024
  • ZET Management Group meets in April
  • Award letter to be issued after the Easter Holidays
  • Terms to be accepted within a 12 week deadline
  • Invoices to be submitted as soon as possible.

Who is Eligible to Apply?

Any individual may apply for funding from the ZET, but must ensure that their application falls within one of the categories above.

Apply Now - Zetland Educational Trust Funding Application

Monitoring Process

A project evaluation form must be completed by those receiving an award, giving a summary of how the money was spent and how the award benefited the school/group/etc. Any funding not utilised as specified must be repaid.

Evaluation Form