Other Vision Services

The Library also provides

Large print books

Audio books on CD

Downloadable eBooks, eAudio books, eMagazines, eComics and eNewspapers

You can change and enlarge the font of ebooks to suit you.

Magnifiers: we have a table-top specialized magnifier you can use in the Library. It is very good for looking at small print in maps or newspapers. We also have several hand-held magnifiers you can try.

Useful websites


Practical and emotional support for everyone affected by sight loss.


RNIB Reading Services

If you're struggling to read because of your sight this site offers solutions.



A service of unabridged audiobooks for adults and children who are unable to access standard print.  The service is free for children, and there is a small subscription charge for over-18s.


Reading Sight

An information site created to support anyone interested in helping people with sight loss get access to reading and reading services.


Duty Occupational Therapy
Tel: 01595 744319


Education Services Childrens’ Vision Service
For children and young people with visual difficulties.

Tel: 01595 745588