Audits and Inspections

Audit and Inspections

Education Scotland Inspections

Education Scotland supports the system to gather, analyse, evaluate and share an agreed set of data, including independent external evaluation. Recent inspection reports can be found on the Education Scotland website by search the setting name: Find an inspection report | Find an inspection report | Inspection and Review | Education Scotland


Tingwall Primary School was inspected by Education Scotland in June 2023, with inspection grades as follows:

Learning teaching and assessment - Satisfactory

Raising attainment and achievement - Satisfactory

Areas requiring improvement were as follows:

Improvement Required Actioned

Ensure that children's time during the school day is very well planned and leads to high-quality learning.


Raise expectations of attainment in literacy and numeracy through learning that builds on what children already know. 

Develop children's knowledge of literature through motivating them to read a wider range of texts for pleasure and enjoyment.  


Happyhansel Primary School and Nursery Class was inspected by Education Scotland in May 2023, with inspection grades as follows:

  • Leadership of change - Satisfactory
  • Learning, teaching and assessment - Satisfactory
  • Ensuring, wellbeing, equality and inclusion - Good
  • Raising attainment and achievement - Satisfactory

Nursery Class

  • Leadership of change - Satisfactory
  • Learning, teaching and assessment - Satisfactory
  • Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion - Good
  • Securing children's progress - Satisfactory

Areas requiring improvement were as follows:

Improvement Required Actioned

Improve approaches to tracking and measuring children's attainment and progress. The headteacher and teachers should agree on the robust assessment evidence they will gather to help them judge children's levels of attainment more accurately.


All staff should continue to develop a shared understanding of high-quality learning, teaching and assessment. Teachers should ensure that they plan progressive learning experiences in consistent ways to provide all children with the right level of support and challenge.


The headteacher and teachers should ensure that learning targets for children who require additional support are more specific and measurable. This will help them to identify the interventions which make the biggest difference for children.

The headteacher should ensure that approaches to quality assurance in the school and nursery are robust. This will support the headteacher and all staff to better identify the school's strengths and areas for development.  


Sandwick Junior High School was subject to a return visit from Education Scotland in June 2022, with findings as follows:

Sandwick Junior High School was subject to a return visit from Education Scotland in May 2023, with findings as follows:



Care Inspectorate Inspections

The Care Inspectorate regulate and inspect care services in Scotland to make sure that they meet the right standards. Recent inspection reports can be found on the Care Inspectorate website by search the setting name: Find care (


Sound Nursery was inspected by the Care Inspectorate on 30 June 2022, with inspection grades as follows:

  • How good is our care, play and learning? 4 - Good
  • How good is our setting? 5 – Very Good
  • How good is our leadership? 5 – Very Good
  • How good is our staff team? 4 - Good

There were no areas requiring improvement identified.


Tingwall Nursery was inspected by the Care Inspectorate on 29 June 2022, with inspection grades as follows:

  • How good is our care, play and learning? 4 - Good
  • How good is our setting? 5 – Very Good
  • How good is our leadership? 4 - Good
  • How good is our staff team? 5 – Very Good

There were no areas requiring improvement identified.

Isles Haven Nursery was inspected by the Care Inspectorate on 28 June 2022, with the inspection grades as follows:

  • How good is our care, play and learning? 3 - Adequate
  • How good is our setting? 4 - Good
  • How good is our leadership? 3 - Adequate
  • How good is our staff team? 4 - Good

Areas requiring improvement were as follows:

Improvement Required Actioned

To promote positive outcomes for children the provider and the service managers must ensure that the use of personal plans is further developed. They should establish a consistent and effective approach to gathering, recording and sharing of information. The information should then be used to ensure a child’s individual needs are identified and met.


To ensure that children are safe and secure whilst accessing outdoor play, the provider should progress plans to prevent children’s access to the car park.


Managers, supported by the provider, need to develop a robust system of quality assurance leading to improvement planning informed by parental engagement, children’s voice, and self-evaluation. They should create a whole service approach to improvement, which will have a consistent, positive impact on children’s learning, development and wellbeing.