Professions pages on

We will work with our partners to develop a clearer understanding of issues relating to recruitment and retention in Shetland and deliver a strategy that focuses our work on overcoming barriers to recruiting and retaining working age people

The council produced its Workforce Plan 2021-26 in September 2021, an action plan developed with council services following the approval of the Workforce Strategy in December 2020.  The plan includes four actions designed to support the recruitment challenges faced by services, and work began immediately on the action designed to address the most significant challenges facing services in terms of filling hard-to-fill posts.

Working with Promote Shetland, several ‘Professions’ pages have been created at, which have provided a great additional resource, supporting recruitment to hard-to-fill professions.  Work is currently underway on a social care professions page.  The content will include workforce volunteers providing their experience/pathway into care, and aims to demonstrate that the social care sector in Shetland offers a variety of rewarding careers and opportunities for professional development.  

Professions web page