School Counselling Service

How can counselling help

Counsellors do not give advice or tell young people what to do, instead, we work alongside each young person to understand their experiencing and help them to make their own choices to facilitate personal growth and self-awareness. While external conditions may not substantially change for the young person, their feelings about themselves and their ability to meet the challenges they face can be significantly enhanced by their engagement with counselling.

To experience being truly listened to and have feelings, thoughts or worries understood and valued by somebody who is independent can be really helpful.  Dedicated space and time together working within a trusting relationship with the School Counsellor can help to clarify difficulties and notice any patterns in their relating, thinking or behaviours.

Children and Young People who have engaged in counselling report that they feel more settled within themselves and have a better understanding of their thoughts, feelings and behaviours.  

Time in counselling can lead to improved feelings of self-esteem and worth.  Young people also report feeling more able to regulate their emotions and more equipped to know what to do if they become overwhelmed for example by anxiety, anger or uncertainty.

Feeling more settled, and clearer in their thinking can enable them to engage better with other supports and have a more general sense of feeling better able to cope.

Person-centred counselling can be short-term or long-term depending upon their needs. 

Towards the end of counselling, children and young people typically feel less confused and more able to make effective and healthier life and relationship choices.