Tall Ships 2023

We will support the delivery of the Tall Ships 2023 bid and support the development of small-scale events and festivals to celebrate, increase participation and build pride in Shetland’s heritage.

The last few years have seen considerable efforts undertaken to increase the promotion of Shetland as an attractive place to live, work, study, visit and invest. This has included the contract to deliver the Promote Shetland service, and collaborative strategic engagement including the development of the Shetland Tourism Strategy and the 10 Year Plan. The strategies of local community planning partners prioritise positive external engagement to attract people to Shetland, encouraging inward investment and creating a positive environment to retain the local population. 

The spending objectives for the Tall Ships Project have been developed to ensure that all key considerations are taken into account regarding the benefits to be derived from promoting and hosting cultural and sporting events in Shetland:

  • Increase positive media coverage of Shetland
    • Create promotional opportunities for Shetland with national and international reach
  • Increase visitor numbers to Shetland
    • Promote Shetland as a visitor destination with international appeal 
  • Generate economic benefits for Shetland
    • Short-term
      • Increased spend by visitors to Shetland
      • Generate benefits to local businesses
    • Long-term
      • Generate event management skills within local young population
      • Develop infrastructure which can be utilised for future events 
  • Increase community confidence and participation
    • Increase sense of belonging and engagement
    • Develop skills and confidence of volunteers

The first Tall Ships' race was held in 1956, the culmination of a vision to bring young cadets and seamen under training together to compete in a friendly competition. Since then Tall Ships' Races have occurred annually in various parts of the world, with millions of spectators. 

Shetland has hosted the Tall Ships’ Race twice, in 1999 and 2011. An economic impact assessment of the Tall Ships’ Race 2011 concluded that the event generated £2.41m of additional spend in Shetland, and generated media coverage valued at £1.53m, against total expenditure of £1.25m, of which Shetland Islands Council contributed almost £1.04m. An analysis of spectators at the event determined that 57% of visitors were locals, with 3% from elsewhere in the Highlands and Islands, 17% from elsewhere in Scotland, 16% from elsewhere in the UK and 8% from overseas. Visitor satisfaction was rated as 97% positive.

As part of the funding from the net revenue generated by Scottish Crown Estate assets, £1,144,363 has been allocated by Shetland Islands Council directly to the Tall Ships 2023 event.

Tall Ships 2023