Future Housing

Event objectives

Objective 1 - Deliver Housing Programme

Provide details of the Council and Hjaltland Housing Association’s affordable housing programme to demonstrate volume, type and location of proposed projects to enable future planning and business development of construction related companies, professionals and suppliers (“businesses”)

Objective 2 - Promote Awareness

Increase awareness among businesses on housing opportunities for increased participation in publicly funded housing projects;  showcase successful case studies and best practices; demonstrate the positive impact of businesses in housing development

Objective 3 - Facilitate Networking

Provide a conducive environment for businesses to network with different departments of the Council, Hjaltland Housing Association and potential partners connected to the industry with an interest in publicly funded housing projects; fostering potential collaborations and partnerships  

Objective 4 - Funding Opportunities

Disseminate information on various public funding, support programs and incentives available for housing development projects in Shetland;  to assist businesses on how to navigate and effectively access funding opportunities 

Objective 5 - Highlight Regulatory Support

Update and provide information and insight to businesses on supportive and legislative regulatory frameworks and policies that may impact on the industry in respect of housing development projects

Objective 6 - Encourage Collaboration and Partnerships

Foster a collaborative mindset among businesses in Shetland encouraging exploration and development of joint ventures, partnerships and other models that can maximize a collective impact on housing projects

Objective 7 - Address Challenges and Solutions

Identify and discuss common challenges faced by businesses in connecting to, and participating in, work connected to publicly funded housing projects;  work towards developing practical solutions and strategies to overcome these challenges; create a conducive environment for industry involvement

Objective 8 - Innovation 

Promote innovative construction methods, procurement, technologies, sustainable practices and successful collaborations which can enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of affordable housing projects

Pre-registration for the event is now closed however participants can still drop in on the day.