IJB Planning and Strategies

Equality Impact Assessments (EQIA)

Shetland Integration Joint Board (IJB) completes Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs) from an IJB perspective for all significant policy, process or practice change. NHS Shetland and Shetland Islands Council will also carry out impact assessments on their aspect of work, taking account of equalities as well. This ensures that all parties are considering, assessing and understanding the impacts of any service change, and what that means for the community moving forward. The EQIA seeks to ensure that any policy, process or practice change does not discriminate against anyone or have a detrimental impact on any groups within society.

Upholding Human Rights, promoting Equality and Diversity and tackling inequalities are core priorities for all parties in the Shetland Partnership. By completing an EQIA, Shetland IJB seeks to ensure that the services provided are consistent with upholding equality and diversity best practice.

The Equality Act 2010 

Shetland Integration Joint Board (IJB) must meet its public sector equality duty under the Equality Act (2010). The Equality Act 2010 places a general equality duty on public authorities to pay due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination;
  • Advance equality; and
  • Foster good relations across the range of protected characteristics.

The general equality duty identifies a range of people who are protected under equality legislation; these people have ‘Protected Characteristics’:

The Protected Characteristics are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Pregnancy/Maternity
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Religion/Belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

Equality Impact Assessment Tool

Equality Impact Assessment is undertaken systematically using an evidence-based format to support review of policy, process or practice change. An initial Rapid Impact Checklist (RIC) review is completed in the first instance to indicate whether a full EQIA is required. 

Completed EQIA’s