Past participatory budgeting projects

South Mainland decides

A Community Council PB Pilot Project based in the South Mainland to distribute £18,000, undertaken in June 2016.

The aims of the project were to:

  • Build and maintain momentum in PB activity already being supported by PB Partners
  • Increase the impact PB has to support community engagement
  • Build on participatory democracy
  • Help tackle inequality

Gulberwick, Quarff & Cunningsburgh Community Council, Sandwick Community Council and Dunrossness community council came together along with support from Shetland Islands Council to deliver this joint project.  Due to short timescales it was not possible to undertake a widespread community consultation, however existing evidence and the Community Council knowledge of the area and its needs contributed to the setting of the priorities.

The communities were contacted to invite applications and information was spread widely to encourage involvement.   All groups attended the drop in market place type event where members of the community could meet them, hear about their projects and ask questions before casting their votes. 

The voting took place on the morning of Saturday 18th June, and saw approximately 367 members of the local community attending to participate in the voting process, greatly exceeding expectations.  Votes were cast and counted, with the result being announced after the event due to the high number of votes received.  Almost 9% of the area’s population attended the event. 

A total of 22 voluntary groups and organisations submitted a funding application, with all of the groups receiving all or part of the funding applied for with some groups giving up a portion of their money to give to the groups who received less.  Monitoring is ongoing and of the 22 groups successful, 5 have completed their projects, 9 have partially completed with the remaining 8 on track to complete.