Small Ports

Hamnavoe (Burra Isle) 

Hamnavoe Pier

Hamnavoe Pier, Burra Photo

Hamnavoe has a small pier and is an ideal base to explore the nearby uninhabited islands of Oxna, Papa, Cheynies and Hildasay. The pretty fishing village, overlooks the sheltered inlet of Hamna Voe, protected from the open Atlantic by the arm of Fugla Ness and its lighthouse.

Harbour Data 

Position 60 06' N 01 21' W  
Chart Reference  3294 
North Coast of Scotland Pilot  section ref 6.46 
Berthage 75 meters
Water Depth 3.4 metres  
Tidal Data (estimated) MHWS = 0.5 MHWN = 0.4 
MLWS = 0.0 MLWN = 0.3 
Tidal Differences  Approx time of high water from Lerwick = minus 0150  

Services Available

Hamnavoe has a small pier and medum sized marina and they are both protected from the open Atlantic by the arm of Fugla Ness and its lighthouse.

Scalloway town services and Fish Market are 5 miles away by road

Major town services and fishmarkets are 10 miles away by road.